upper school program

At Rising Tide, the adults work hard to know each child. In such an environment, we are able to focus our attention on teaching and learning, where students can develop the self-confidence to take risks, ask questions, and work to find solutions. Central to the identity of our school program is our approach to teaching and learning. We use an inquiry and skills-based approach, for both personal and academic growth.

The Upper School operates on a six-day, rotating block schedule, with four 85-minute periods per day. Courses meet on alternate days, and students have an expected course load of eight courses, including six core courses and two elective courses per semester. Additionally, students meet two to three times a week with their Advisory groups and have Academic Support twice a week for 45 minutes.


Arts: Theater Foundation (one semester)
Visual Art Foundation (one semester)
English I
Mathematics: Algebra I or Geometry
Science: Introductory Physics
Social Studies: U.S. History II in the World
World Languages: Latin or Spanish


Arts: Dance Foundation (one semester)
Music Foundation (one semester)
English II
Mathematics: Geometry or Algebra II
Science: Chemistry
Social Studies: Global History I
World Languages: Latin or Spanish


English III

Mathematics: Algebra II, Algebraic Functions & Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus

Science: Biology

Social Studies: Civics & Economics

World Languages: Latin, Spanish

One Choice Block: Offerings in Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages


English IV

Mathematics: Algebraic Functions & Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Applications of Probability &   Statistics, Advanced Statistics & Programming

Science: Advanced Biology, Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Physics, Earth & the Environment, Technology & Engineering

Three Choice Blocks: Offerings in Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages

In exceptional cases, a student may be offered an option for an Independent Study course if the student excels in a discipline and the existing program offerings are not sufficient to meet.


Twenty-eight (28) credits are required for graduation from the Upper School at Rising Tide. Full-year courses are given one (1) credit. Semester courses are given a half (.5) credit. Once a student is enrolled at Rising Tide, only credit earned at Rising Tide is accepted for the student’s course placement or graduation requirements. Each student must also pass the MCAS tests in high school English, Mathematics, and Science and Technology/Engineering.


English – 4 credits
Mathematics– 4 credits
Science– 4 credits
Social Studies– 3 credits

World Languages– 3 credits in one language
Arts 3– credits
Physical Education– 2 credits


During the elective block, students participate in academic elective courses and fitness classes. Some students may also participate in targeted academic assistance or Individualized Support. All freshmen also participate in a Digital Literacy and Computer Science Principles course.

Semester-long, academic elective courses offer students choice beyond the core program offerings. Elective courses either introduce students to or allow students to explore in greater depth topics, fields, or skills in a cohesive manner. A wide range of offerings have included courses such as Astronomy, Chamber Ensemble, Computer Programming, Personal Finance, Public Speaking, and Psychology.

Seniors may, through an application process, participate in the Senior Internship Course, a community-based internship program during the elective blocks for one semester. Students gain career experience in an unpaid internship in a field of their choice, and meet regularly at school with a faculty member.


The Advisory Program is central to the structure of supportive relationships at Rising Tide. Each Rising Tide student has a faculty Advisor, who is also a teacher at the school. Each Advisory group acts as a small community within the grade level and the school, and each grade level has a team of Advisors who work together throughout the year to support the personal and academic growth of the students. Each grade level Advisory team works collaboratively to implement an Advisory curriculum that includes Community Building, Future Planning, and Wellness programming.

The Advisor is the primary advocate for each student at school. The Advisor works to help each student become responsible for his or her own learning. If a student has any concerns or challenges – academic, extra-curricular, or social – the student should communicate with his or her Advisor. 

Advisors work with other teachers, School Nurses, Counselors, Assistant Principals, and Principals in supporting the growth of each student. If any other staff member has concerns about a student, or has praise about a student to share, the staff member will consult with the student’s Advisor. If the student has good news to share, or has any concerns, the student should communicate with his or her Advisor. If a student has any disciplinary issue, his or her Advisor will always be involved in attempting to resolve the issue.

The Advisor is the primary communication link to the school for a student and his or her family. Parents/guardians are able to communicate with other teachers and school leaders, but should first contact the student’s Advisor for any questions or concerns.