mission statement
The Rising Tide Charter Public School will provide a strong academic program rooted in the history of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Our students will harvest opportunity from the practice of language, the reasoning of mathematics, the analysis of science and the reflection of history. We want children to hone skills through rigorous studies, but skills alone do not make a whole education. The Rising Tide Charter Public School will also cultivate within its students a sense of belonging to our community, a tie with those who have come before them and a seed of continuity between the Plymouth of today and the Plymouth of tomorrow. The Rising Tide Charter Public School will graduate capable and prepared young adults who have already sown within themselves a sense of place and belonging that will be the bounty of the future, whether they remain among us or venture from our harbor.

Rising Tide Charter Public School is an inclusive college-preparatory public school serving grades 5-12, with high expectations for all students. Founded in 1998, the school provides a strong academic program rooted in the history of Plymouth, MA.
As a charter school, Rising Tide gives parents more choice in public education and gives our educators flexibility for innovation to meet our students’ needs. Our innovative educators and teachers work together to identify learning needs and design learning activities.
Like all public schools, Rising Tide is tuition-free for all students. Equal opportunity for enrollment is given to residents of towns in Rising Tide’s designated region: Barnstable, Bourne, Carver, Duxbury, Falmouth, Freetown, Halifax, Kingston, Lakeville, Marion, Marshfield, Mashpee, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester, Sandwich, and Wareham.