middle school program
At Rising Tide, the adults work hard to know each child. In such an environment, we are able to focus our attention on teaching and learning, where students can develop the self-confidence to take risks, ask questions, and work to find solutions. Central to the identity of our school program is our approach to teaching and learning. We use an inquiry and skills-based approach, for both personal and academic growth.
The Middle School operates on a six-day, cascading block schedule. Each day includes six 60-minute periods, including an elective period. Each core class meets five out of six days in the cycle. Additionally, students meet twice each day with their Advisory groups.

middle school courses
grade five
English 5
Mathematics 5
Physical Education (one semester)
Science 5
Social Studies: US History
Visual Art (one semester)
grade six
Dance & Theater (one semester)
English 6
Mathematics 6
Music (one semester)
Science 6
Social Studies: World Geography & Ancient
Civilizations I
grade seven
English 7
Mathematics 7 or Pre-Algebra
Physical Education (one semester)
Science 7
Spanish 1
Social Studies: World Geography & Ancient
Civilizations II
Visual Art (one semester)
grade eight
English 8
Dance & Theater (one semester)
Latin 1
Mathematics 8 or Algebra I
Music (one semester)
Science 8
Social Studies: Civics
In the period before lunch each day, all students participate in three components of the Rising Tide
program: Academic Support, Skills Workshops, and Discover.
For further details about Advisory, please see the information on this page or the Advisory Curriculum section in the Program of
Academic Support provides teachers and students the opportunity to work together to further develop
students’ skills, content knowledge, and understandings. Students also participate in targeted academic
support and enrichment during this time. Academic Support occurs twice per week.
The Skills Workshops provide an opportunity for students to practice Benchmarks Skills while exploring
Digital Literacy, Library Skills, and Wellness. Skills Workshops occur twice per week for two terms for
each grade level.
Discover courses are designed by teachers to help students build skills while exploring academic,
artistic, and athletic topics. These courses occur twice per week for two terms for each grade level. A
wide range of off erings have included courses such as Robotics, Cross-Stitching, Music Tech, Animation,
and Jump Roping.
The Advisory Program is central to the structure of supportive relationships at Rising Tide. Each Rising Tide student has a faculty Advisor, who is also a teacher at the school. Each Advisory group acts as a small community within the grade level and the school, and each grade level has a team of Advisors who work together throughout the year to support the personal and academic growth of the students. Each grade level Advisory team works collaboratively to implement an Advisory curriculum that includes Community Building, Future Planning, and Wellness programming.
The Advisor is the primary advocate for each student at school. The Advisor works to help each student become responsible for his or her own learning. If a student has any concerns or challenges – academic, extra-curricular, or social – the student should communicate with his or her Advisor.
Advisors work with other teachers, School Nurses, Counselors, Assistant Principals, and Principals in supporting the growth of each student. If any other staff member has concerns about a student, or has praise about a student to share, the staff member will consult with the student’s Advisor. If the student has good news to share, or has any concerns, the student should communicate with his or her Advisor. If a student has any disciplinary issue, his or her Advisor will always be involved in attempting to resolve the issue.
The Advisor is the primary communication link to the school for a student and his or her family. Parents/guardians are able to communicate with other teachers and school leaders, but should first contact the student’s Advisor for any questions or concerns.