Thom Holdgate
508-747-2620 x584

Current Offerings for the 2024-2025 Winter Season:
Varsity & J.V. Boys’ Basketball
Varsity Girls’ Basketball
Middle School Girls’ Basketball
Middle School Boys’ Basketball
Winter Dance Team
Important Dates for the Winter Season
Meet the Coaches Night – Winter Edition
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Atrium
Varsity & J.V. Boys’ Basketball – Tryouts: Mon. 12/2, Tue. 12/3, & Wed. 12/4
Wolves Den, Pembroke, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Varsity Girls’ Basketball – Tryouts: Mon. 12/2, Tue. 12/3, & Wed. 12/4
Wolves Den, Pembroke 3:30pm-5:00pm
Middle School Girls’ Basketball – Tryouts: Thu. 12/5 & Mon. 12/9
Village Sports Club, Pine Hills, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Middle School Boys’ Basketball – Tryouts: Fri. 12/6 & Tue. 12/10
Village Sports Club, Pine Hills, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Dance – Tryouts: Mon. 12/9 & Thu. 12/12
Room 264 Middle School, 3:30pm
Transportation will be provided to all sites (except Wednesday practices). However, all students will need to be picked up at these off-campus venueso
Rising Tide is a member of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA). The MIAA is an organization that sponsors activities in thirty-three sports, comprising 374 public and private high schools in Massachusetts. All athletic offerings and level (Varsity, JV, Middle School) are contingent upon the number of participants.The athletic program at the Rising Tide Charter Public School focuses on the best interests of the student in accordance with the principles of the greater Rising Tide community. Through an emphasis on commitment, skill development, fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship, we offer a safe and positive environment in which students are guided toward personal growth. While competition is a valuable part of athletics, coaches highlight individual and team effort and improvement as benchmarks rather than winning or losing. Rising Tide is a member of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA). The MIAA is an organization that sponsors activities in thirty-three sports, comprising 374 public and private high schools in Massachusetts. All athletic offerings and level (Varsity, JV, Middle School) are contingent upon the number of participants.
fall teams
Boys Varsity Soccer
Girls Varsity Soccer
Middle School Boys Soccer
Middle School Girls Soccer
Cross Country
winter teams
Boys Varsity Basketball
Boys Junior Varsity Basketball
Boys Middle School Basketball
Girls Varsity Basketball
Girls Middle School Basketball
spring teams
Boys Baseball
Girls Softball
Boys Varsity Tennis
Girls Varsity Tennis