Monday Update from Head of School

Dear Rising Tide Families,

Yesterday evening, Governor Baker announced a three-week suspension of school operations for educational purposes at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth beginning Tuesday, March 17. This statewide closure extends the existing long-term closure at Rising Tide by one week. As of today, we plan to resume classes on Tuesday, April 7. The final day of school for the year remains Thursday, June 25, and the final day for seniors will be their graduation day on Friday, June 5.

As we move forward together through this time of uncertainty, our leadership team worked together today to provide more guidance and support for our teachers, students and families.

Lunch and Breakfast During School Closure
As I shared yesterday, “grab and go” lunch and breakfast will be available, free of charge, for any Rising Tide student Monday through Friday during the school closure. No documentation will be required for students to pick up lunch and breakfast.

The meals are being provided by the food services of the Plymouth Public Schools, the vendor for school breakfast and lunch at Rising Tide.

Meals can be picked up between 11:30 and 12:30 each day at Hedge Elementary School, located at 258 Standish Avenue in Plymouth. Students should enter around the back of the building through the blue cafeteria door across from the playground.

Please do not congregate at Hedge Elementary School before or after picking up the meal, and practice social distancing when picking up the meal, remaining six feet from others.

Access to Opportunities for Student Learning
Although Governor Baker has suspended school operations across the state, our team of educators is working to provide access to opportunities for student learning through the school closure. While these learning opportunities provided by the teachers will not replicate the important practice and exploration that can happen when school is in session, the suggestions from teachers are intended to keep students thinking and growing as Communicators, Investigators, Self-Directed Learners, and Community Stewards. 

This week, through Google Classroom, each teacher will be posting opportunities for students to practice skills related to the course as well as opportunities for explorations related to the course. We have asked each teacher to post learning opportunities by Tuesday at 3:00 pm, and many have already shared an initial post. These posted opportunities for practice and exploration will not be graded, but students will be able to ask teacher’s questions through each Google Classroom. Due to the rapidly evolving situation, we will communicate by the beginning of next week with any up updated academic expectations for students.

If your family needs hard copies of learning opportunities, we plan to have copies available by 10:00 am on Wednesday. Please complete this form if you need hard copies of learning opportunities for your child’s courses.

Supports for Students
Students will have opportunities to ask all teachers, including special education teachers, questions related the learning opportunities through Google Classroom. Teachers may also post additional supports and resources for suggested practice and exploration.

The uncertainty of this evolving situation is challenging for adults, students, and families. Our Wellness Team has put together Guidance and Resources for Student Support to help families through this time. If your child is still feeling anxious or needs extra support, please reach out to our Shawna Weekly, our Wellness Director, Siobhan Malaguti, our Middle School Adjustment Counselor, or Cassie Butler, our Upper School Adjustment Counselor.

Upcoming Events, MCAS, Spring Sports
The three-week statewide closure of schools will impact many upcoming internal and external events, deadlines, and calendar items. This week our leadership team will continue to review which items will can be postponed or shifted, and we will communicate any updates with our school community as we can through this evolving situation.

As of today, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has not updated plans for the spring Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) testing. Commissioner Riley has indicated that changes to the MCAS schedule are being discussed, and we anticipate that the testing schedule will be adjusted or postponed.

The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) announced this afternoon that the updated start date for the 2020 spring sports season will now be April 27, 2020. Kelsey Kincade, our Athletic Director, has asked all Rising Tide coaches to provide suggestions for individual skills practice and fitness training. 

Structure for Students and Families
So much has shifted over the course of the last week for all of us. With many adults working from home, children staying at home during school hours, and most activities and gatherings canceled, our family patterns have changed. We encourage each Rising Tide family to work together to develop a structure and schedule to each day to help each household through this new unstructured time during the week.

For each day, we recommend a schedule that starts runs from 8:00 am through 3:00 pm with 30, 60, or 90-minute increments. Blocks of time can include any of the following areas (or others that work for your family):

  • Student Learning: Skills Practice
  • Student Learning: Exploration
  • Quiet Reading
  • Breaks
  • Free Time/Choice Time
  • Physical Activity/Time Outside
  • Time for Helping Around the House
  • Time when Parents/Guardians are Accessible

Social Distancing (Physical Distancing)
Yesterday, Governor Baker also issued an emergency order limiting gatherings to 25 individuals. Please note the following guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH)

“During this period, it is critical that students and their families, as well as school staff, stay home as much as possible. If you leave your home, it is essential to strictly follow social distancing guidelines by avoiding crowds, canceling social gatherings, and maintaining a safe separation of at least 6 feet from others. Restricting access to school buildings will have little impact on public health if these best practices are not followed in good faith.”

We ask all Rising Tide students and families to be exemplary Community Stewards in helping one another and our broader community by practice social distancing (physical distancing) to help flatten the curve of this pandemic.

The Good News
The good news is that we are at the beginning of spring, and social distancing still allows for household adventures in the open air. Our region provides wonderful opportunities to get outside. Wildlands TrustMass Audubon, and the Trustees of Reservations are three examples of organizations that care for areas with great walks and hikes.

I wish all of our students and family members well through this challenging time. We will continue to be in touch on a regular basis.

Michael O’Keefe
Head of School