Dear Rising Tide Families:
We are excited to start have our first in-person learning day with Cohort A tomorrow. We would like to provide an update regarding arrival and dismissal for students.
Bus Transportation
Plymouth Residents
Bus transportation is available for Plymouth residents through the Town of Plymouth and First Student Transportation. If you have not yet completed the Plymouth Bus Application Form for the 2020-2021 school year, please complete and return the bus application form to the school with checks payable to “Town of Plymouth — Bus Fee.” The Rising Tide bus routes for Plymouth Residents can be found through the link below:
Rising Tide Plymouth Bus Routes Cohort A
Rising Tide Plymouth Bus Routes Cohort B
Regional Residents
This year bus transportation is available for residents of the other 19 towns in Rising Tide’s designated region through our partnership with Lucini Transportation. If you are interested in having your child ride one of our regional buses, but have not yet completed the Regional Transportation Form, please do so this week. If you have been planning to have your child ride one of our regional buses this fall, and have not yet received an email from us specific to your child’s route, please call our Main Office on Monday at (508) 747-2620, so that we can get your child confirmed on the right route. The following are the four regional bus routes with the community stops for each route.
Regional Bus A (South West)
1. Wareham Walmart, 15 Tobey Road, Wareham
2. Berry Guys Farm, 342 Tremont Street, Carver
Regional Bus B (South)
1. Stop & Shop, Quaker Meeting House @Cotuit Rd., Sandwich
2. Park & Ride at Sagamore Bridge, Bourne
Regional Bus C (North)
1. Stop & Shop, 24 Mattakeesett St., Pembroke
2. Big Y, 182 Summer St., Kingston
Regional Bus D (West)
1. Planet Fitness, 10 Merchants Way, Middleborough
2. Shaws, 100 N. Main Street, Carver
3. Sauchuck’s Farmstand, 53 Palmer Road, Plympton
We encourage parents to remind students to take note of their bus number and bus driver’s name on their first ride to school in the morning.
Traffic Arrival and Dismissal
The Site Plan and Traffic Pattern for 59 Armstrong Road can be downloaded here. Please note that the site plan includes locations for the lunch tent area, protected by concrete barriers, as well as the new location for student parking. This year bus dismissal will begin at 2:57 pm, and carpool and student driver dismissal will begin at 3:05 pm. We anticipate that dismissal will take longer than usual this year due to the physical distance guidelines for the movement of students.
Below is an overview of the traffic pattern:
- All traffic enters and exits the site at 59 Armstrong Road. The Rising Tide Charter Public School sign marks this entrance to the site.
- All traffic should follow a clockwise pattern around the building when exiting the site.
- We have 4 traffic attendants at the site during the arrival and dismissal times to help direct all traffic.
- Students must be participants in the Early Program to be dropped off at the South Entrance between 7:00 am and 7:20 am. Space is available in the Early Program.
- The Main Entrance doors open for bus passenger and student driver arrival at 7:35 am.
- The South Entrance doors for the Carpool lane open at 7:25 am; students arriving from Carpool will wait, at designated locations for safe distancing, in the Atrium space until 7:35 before going to their Advisory rooms.
- For safety and efficiency, carpool drivers should advance to the end of the drop-off/pick-up lane before stopping to drop off or pick up student passengers.
- Bus dismissal is at 2:57 pm.
- Carpool and Student Driver dismissal is at 3:05 pm.
- The carpool lane loops around the North side of the field in a single lane and continues clockwise around the perimeter of the site to the South Entrance of the building for the drop-off and pick-up lane.
- The bus lane is on the North side of the building, and bus passengers enter and exit the building at the Main Entrance on the North side of the building. All other vehicles must yield to bus traffic at arrival and dismissal time.
- All vehicles must keep the intersection between the bus lane and the carpool lane clear at all times; a traffic attendant helps guide vehicles with this intersection.
- All passenger cars must yield to the school buses at all times, and allow the school buses to depart the school first at dismissal times.
- Visitor parking is on the North side of the building near the Main Entrance.
- The Main Entrance on the North side of the building is the only door that will be accessible to visitors; visitors will need to identify themselves before being allowed into the building and are only permitted to enter the Main Office under the current safety guidelines. The South Entrance remains locked except for Early Program arrival and Carpool arrival and dismissal.
- Student parking is marked on the North side of the building. Student drivers need to yield to bus and carpool traffic, and will enter and exit the Main Entrance on the North of the building. Student drivers must complete a parking application, available at the Upper School office.
- At Carpool dismissal, any students not picked up at the South Entrance by 3:20 will be brought to the Main Office and must be picked up at the Main Entrance.

Michael O’Keefe
Head of School